Web Projects

Combining the miracle of human ingenuity with the power of AI to create the hybrid developer of the future _

Aiman H.D. - The Hybrid Web Developer of the Future


Large Language Models, commonly referred to as LLMs or AI, are changing industries across the board. I believe that LLMs and related tools are essential to the future of web development. Aiman H.D. is a fictional character blog that I created as a way to explore AI in the context of web development in order to become the hybrid web developer of the future.

Tech Stack

  • Astro: A modern web framework that allows for the creation of fast, optimized, content-driven websites, with minimal JavaScript.
  • React: A popular JavaScript library for building component driven user interfaces.
  • Typescript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript that adds type safety and enhances code quality.
  • shadcn-ui: A UI component library designed to work seamlessly with modern JavaScript frameworks.
  • Tailwind: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs directly in your markup.
  • Claude: An AI assistant that I use to generate content for the blog.
  • Cursor: The AI code editor that is built to make you extraordinarily productive, Cursor is the best way to code with AI.